
You can contact me by submitting an email using the form below. Alternatively, I can also be reached by email at:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you currently looking for full-time opportunities?

Yes, I am currently looking for full-time opportunities. While I am open to freelance and contract work (see below), I am actively looking for the stability of joining a team that I can learn from and grow with.

Are you open for freelance/contract work?

Yes, I am open to freelance and contract work, but I only take on projects that I am confident I can drive results with. If I am unable to help you with a project, I will do my best to recommend a suitable alternative.

Are you open for guest-posts or article collaborations?

Absolutely not. We do not accept guest posts or sponsored content of any kind within any of our portfolio or client websites. I am strongly against guest post spam, which you can read more about in my guest post spam rant.